Grasses are a very good focal point or accent for a garden. They can also be a good screening plant for summer all the way into the winter.
Groundcovers can be used in difficult areas where other perennials will not grow. Many of them are lower maintenance than lawns and can provide seasonal interest. Groundcovers can be flowering or non-flowering.
Below are lists of Grasses and Groundcover we typically carry.

Ornamental Grasses:
- Acornus (Sweet Flag)
- Carex (Sedge)
- Calamagrostis (Reed Grass)
- Chasmanthium (North Sea Oats)
- Cortaderia(Pampas Grass)
- Festuca
- Hakonechloa
- Imperata (Japanese Blood Grass)
- Miscanthus (Maiden Grass)
- Pennisetum (Fountain Grass)
- Phalaris (Ribbon Grass)
- Panicum (Switchgrass)
Ground Covers:
- Ajuga (Bugleweed)
- Agapodium
- Brunnera
- Campunula
- Creeping Phlox
- Creeping Thyme
- Creeping Sedum
- Convalerri (Lily of the Valley)
- Epimedium
- Euonymus fortunei coloaratus (Purpleleaf Wintercreeper)
- Ferns
- Galium
- Houtonyia
- Huecherella
- Iberis semprivris
- Lamium
- Mazus
- Pachysandra
- Pulmonaria
- Onethera
- Tiarella (Foamflower)
- Vinca minor (Periwinkle)