Windy Farm Garden Center carries a large range of trees, from small potted ornamentals to large ball and burlap specimens. Whether you need shading, screening, flowering, seasonal interest, large street trees or ornamentals, we have a large selection for you to choose from.
Remember to come down and check out our inventory. Below is a list of specimens:

Deciduous Shade Trees:
- Acer rubrum (Red Maple)
- Acer saccharum (Sugar Maple)
- Betula (Birch)
- Ilex opaca(Holly)
- Quercus (Oak)
- Ulmus (Elm)
Evergreen Trees:
- Abies (Fir)
- Chamaecyparis (Cypress)
- Ilex (Holly)
- Juniperus (Juniper)
- Picea glauca conica(Alberta Spruce)
- Picea (Spruce)
- Pinus (Pine)
- Aborvitate (Thuja)
- Yews (Taxus)
- Hemlock (Tsuja)
Flowering Trees:
- Amelanchier laevis (Allegheny Serviceberry)
- Cercis canadensis (Eastern Redbud)
- Chionanthus (Fringe Tree)
- Cornus (Dogwood)
- Cotinus (Smoke Tree)
- Halesia(Carolina Silverbell)
- Laburnum (Golden Chain)
- Magnolia x soulangeana (Saucer Magnolia)
- Magnolia stellata (Star Magnolia)
- Magnolia grandiflora (Evergreen Magnolia)
- Malus (Crabapple)
- Oxydendrum (Sourwood)
- Prunus serrulata (Flowering Cherry)
- Autumnalis Cherry
- Okami Cherry
- Kwanzan Cherry
- Yoshino Cherry
- Sophora japonica (Japanese Pagoda Tree)
- Styrax japonicus (Japanese Snowbell)
- Syringa verticillata (Japanese Tree Lilac)
- Prunus subvertilla pendula (Weeping Cherry)
- Prunus cerasifera (Plum)
- Pyrus (Pear)
- Stewartia